Thursday, March 22, 2012

Life Lessons

I say a lot of weird things in a day.  Here is a sampling of the daily life lessons I am trying to pass onto my little guy:

  • Do not sit on the doggie's head.
  • Don't drink milk straight from the's too big for you.

  • Don't eat rocks.
  • Don't throw rocks.
  • Let's just put down the rocks.
  • Books do not go in the toilet.
  • Trash cans are not toy boxes.  Don't put your toys in them and don't take the trash out.
  • Do not slam the doggie's head in the door.
  • Mommie's cell phone doesn't need a bath.
  • Don't give the dog a sip of your water.  She doesn't know how to use a sippy cup.
  • Don't tinkle on the floor.
With all this direction I need to give my fourteen month-old, I didn't think I'd have to give advice to Fiona too....

Do not sneak out of the house and get in the baby's car seat.

The Onion...Hilarious,27698/

I hope our babies don't think we're losers....yikes.