Monday, January 21, 2013

Mommy, Daddy, Window, Hoo

There are A LOT of unpleasant things about parenthood.  A lot of times I get wrapped up in the whining, diapers, and spit-up.  This evening I will concentrate on one thing about parenthood that I am REALLY enjoying: talking.  Lately, Little Ethan has gone from my cute blobby baby to my chatty little companion.  Here are a few examples of why I love talking:
  • Happy: Yesterday, I asked Ethan if he was happy.  After pondering the question for a few seconds, he responded with, "Yeah".  Then he proceeded to hop all over the family room.  I guess he was hoppy.
  • Bob: Today our 28th fish (we have killed 27 in the past few months) joined the family.  Bob Wirt lives in a tank in our dining room.  Every time Ethan passes him, he greets him by saying, "Hi, Bob."
  • Yuggy Window:  I asked my little guy to sing me songs in the car.  Lately, I pick two words and he sings to me about them.  Today I heard a nice song about the "Cool Baby".
  • Boot: If he can say the word for something he owns, he becomes instantly obsessed with it.  His latest obsession is his boots or as he likes to call them, his "Boo" -  not to be confused with boo-boo (meaning band-aid or sticker).  Yesterday, Ethan napped in his boots.  Last night he slept in his boots.  He would have napped in them today if he had taken a nap.  I am hoping to get them off of his feet for tonight's bedtime.
  • Baby Homonyms (same word, different meaning)
    • Pees: Peas or Please
    • No: No or Nose
    • Boo: Surprise or Boot (see above)
    • Yummy: Food, Milk, or Dog Food
    • Rar: Roar, Bear, Lion, Tiger
    • Hoo: Owl or Great Uncle Hughie
    • Nogo: Don't Go or I will not go!
    • Nana/Nonny: Aunt Kelly, Christina, Banana
    • Ba: Sheep, Lamp, Goat, or Bath
As I am sitting here typing, my husband has just informed me that the boots have gone to bed along with Little Ethan.  I will be sneaking in momentarily to remove them.  Let's hope he doesn't wake up and say, "No go boo pees, Mommy".

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