Thursday, September 1, 2011

Got Milk?

Ever since Little Ethan (trying to transition from calling him Baby Ethan to Little Ethan so he doesn't get a complex) was born, he had an immediate friend. Noel was right by my side as soon as we walked in our side door. As I have mentioned before, Noel is not a normal cat. Today as I was feeding baby Ethan on my lap (while Noel sat on his lap), I pondered the relationship between cats and babies. Here are the top ten reasons I came up with for why cats love babies:

1.  They have things in common - like cute feet.

2.  Babies are warm and cats like to be warm (which is why Noel gets locked out of the room when Little Ethan sleeps)

3.  Another reason Noel gets locked out of Little Ethan's room - Cribs make an excellent hiding place when you live with two dogs who like to chase and lick you.

4.  The toys that you hang from the top of the car seat are essentially expensive cat toys.

5.  Babies don't bark (much).

6.  If you've had or been around babies, you know that their nails grow at alarmingly fast rate.  The longer the nails, the better to scratch the cat with.

7.  Cat cries and baby noises are not that dissimilar.  Maybe they speak the same language.  If cats could translate, there would be a lot less frustration for new parents wondering why their baby is crying.

8.  All baby swings, seats, etc. are cat-sized. I have no doubt that Noel is thankful we got all the new "cat furniture" for her.

9.  Cats like to sleep during the day and hang out during the night. So do newborn babies. Noel must have been happy when we became nocturnal too.

10.  Milk.  Enough said.

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