Monday, February 13, 2012

Over 140, but Carrying Low

It's 1 hour and 10 minutes until we find out whether our baby is a boy or a girl.  I am VERY excited and wondering about the validity of all the "old wives's tales".  So, I decided to put them to the test.  In an hour and nine minutes, we will know how accurate they are....
  • The Ring Test: Take your wedding ring and attach it to a thread. Hold the dangling item over mom-to-be's belly while she is lying down. If the needle or wedding ring swings in a strong circular motion, you will be having a girl. If it moves in a to and fro motion like a pendulum, you will be having a boy.  THE VERDICT: BOY
  • Sweet cravings means you're having a boy.  Sour cravings means you're having a girl.  THE VERDICT: BOY
  • If you are carrying low, you're having a boy.  If you're carrying high, you're having a girl.  THE VERDICT: BOY
  • If your husband is gaining weight, you're having a boy.  If he isn't, you're having a girl: THE VERDICT: GIRL
  • Fetal heartbeat of below 140 means boy.  Above 140 means girl: THE VERDICT: GIRL
  • Chinese Gender Predictor: Legend says that the gender chart is more than 700 years old and was discovered in a royal tomb. It predicts your baby's sex based on your Chinese lunar age at the time you got pregnant and the Chinese lunar month in which you conceived.  THE VERDICT: GIRL
  • Mother's Intuition: Supposedly correct 70% of the time.  THE VERDICT: I'M TOO CONFUSED AT THIS POINT.  I originally thought I was having a girl.  However, everyone else in the world seems to think I am having a boy, which has swayed my "intuition".
I guess only time (and a conclusive sonogram) will tell!  We will have the results in 55 minutes!!!!!!!

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