Thursday, September 22, 2011

Zombie Fish

For some reason, I don't have a whole lot to write about lately.  If I had to guess, I would say it's because Little Ethan is teething (and not very happy about it).  However, it seems as though he has won the teething battle (until the next two teeth) and is starting to act more like himself.  Because I like blogging and don't want to get out of the habit, here is another post about recent googles:

There is a lot that you can do wrong when it comes to parenting.  One of my largest mistakes thus far is shoes.  I confess - I have a barefoot baby and have never made him wear shoes. Little Ethan considers shoes to be another teether.  I put the shoe on his foot and then he takes it off and puts it in his mouth.  After two days of the put it on, take it off, chew on it battle, I had a weak moment and googled "Trumpette".  Trumpette is a brand that makes socks that look like shoes.  He wore these when he was an infant because it's hard to find shoes small enough.
I then realized that I was compromising with an 8 month old (talk about a parenting mistake!).  Since the google, my little man has been wearing shoes, whether he likes it or not.  Soon it will be winter and he'll start trying to walk.  He will thank me later.

456 Fish
A few days ago, I escaped. My mom and I went to visit my brother, Christian, for his birthday. We wanted to eat some seafood and celebrate. This is what I learned:
Do not confuse 456 Fish with 1 Fish 2 Fish. 456 Fish accidentally serves you sushi (raw scallops)...yuck. 1 Fish 2 Fish has amazing food and service. Try not to confuse either of these with Red Fish Blue Fish, which is located in Key West. Confusing enough for you?

Zombie Baltimore
One of my best friends in the world, Jenna, lives in Baltimore.  I would first like to take this time to say that she is a much better friend than I am and comes to Richmond (or wherever else I may be) way more than I go to Baltimore.  That said, Baltimore is awesome.  Recently, Jenna gave me another reason to come to Baltimore.  Apparently there is a 5K obstacle course called "Run for your Lives".  Basically, you're running from zombies.  Here are some of the guidelines from
  • Before the race, you will be given a flag belt, just like the overly intimidating game of flag football. These flags represent your health.
  • The zombies want to take your flags and maybe eat your brains.
  • If you lose all your health flags, you die. And the zombies win.
  • Health bonuses will be hidden throughout the course. If you find one and carry it to the finish, it will save your life.
This may be the most awesome thing I've ever heard of.   I wish I were more in shape so I could partake.  They would definitely eat my brains.

Hope everyone has a zombie-free day!

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